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The Science

The problem most people have with losing weight and flab is that unless you know the exact strategy about how to get it, it can be really tricky.

But the good news is that there’s a very simple way (strategy, formula) to lose weight and fat without meds and surgery. And it works all the time.

As part of our coaching practice we will create a custom diet and exercise program for you consistent with your goals, abilities and schedule. We will coach you through your program

The Food Science

Your body burns both fat and carbohydrates for fuel. When you eat a great deal of carbs your body will burn the carbs and store the fat. When you eat few carbs your body will burn your stored body fat. Your body does this very well.

You became overweight when you ate so many more carbs that your body stored fat. Reversing this is the key to losing weight quickly. Finding the right low-carb diet can be a task because there are many to choose from. We work with you and your doctor to find the right eating plan for you.

The Exercise Science

Your body is designed to move. As you gained weight it became more difficult to run and jump.  It may be difficult for you to do simple things like bend down or stretch up. 

The best type of exercise for overweight people is Strength Training. But if all you can do is walk ... walk. There are literally thousands of ways to train for strength. Most of these protocols are designed for athletes and body builders. Still, there are protocols that work fantastically well for overweight people. These often improve your heart, lungs and fast twitch muscles simultaneously. Your routine takes into account your likes, and current health condition. 

The Skills You Need

With all the options available to you it is a difficult task to figure it all out. You see, chances are you will need to use several options before you discover the ones that work best for you. 

 This is where I come in. I work with you, and your doctor if necessary, to find the perfect solution to give you the fastest results. 

 You end up with a highly personalized diet and fitness routines you can keep for years. This gives you great independence and fast results.  Yes, You Can get rid of that excess weight and fat.

Meds & Surgery

Most medical training revolves around diagnosis, medicines and surgery. These tools make up a large portion of a doctor's practice. It's how they 'solve' health problems.  Doctors are immensely wonderful when we need them.

When most doctors practice 'preventive medicine' what they really practice is early diagnosis. They still prescribe medicines and surgery. What makes these undesirable are the side effects that compound and require additional medicines and surgery. This creates a downward spiral that appears endless. You can reverse this with the help of your doctor and eating naturally.

The Medical Science 

Metabolic Disorders today account for most of the time and dollars we spend on doctor, hospital visits and diagnosis. Metabolism going out of whack is responsible for such things as Obesity, Diabetes T2, Alzheimer's, Heart attacks, Strokes, Depression, Kidney failures, and contribute vastly to Arthritis and Osteoporosis. 

We focus on what doctors call metabolic therapeutic diets and nutritionists call Ketogenic diets.  You eliminate sugar and foods that convert to sugar. Thus your blood sugar levels (glucose) tend to stay level and not raise havoc with your overall health.  

Later, when you've handled your weight, you can test various foods to see which you can safely tolerate. You end up with a custom eating plan you enjoy and a much healthier you.  

How To Evaluate Your Fat Content ... Scientifically

The Secret,

Finally Revealed.

The medical industry has adopted the BMI (Body Mass Index) as the main method of determining whether a person is sufficiently fat to warrant concern. BMI however is a poor measure because it neither differentiates between men and women, nor does it differentiate between muscle mass and fat content. This dilemma was originally solved with a hip to waist ratio (different according to sex) but today this ratio has fallen out of use. BMI alone is a very rough estimate of body fat content. 

The most accurate way to measure fat content is by water displacement.  This is messy, time consuming and expensive, and is done in few facilities.  

Caliper measurements are popular but not trustworthy. Even in the hands of trained experts the range of values can vary so much as to be useless. Electronic percent fat devices have also not proven to be trustworthy. 

United States Department of Defense to the rescue. They have a series of charts that incorporate fat, muscle distribution and gender, and gives uniform results regardless who is doing the measuring. Although it can be off by as much as 3%, it is still the most reliable measure of body fat that is convenient, inexpensive and widely used. 

Your body needs fuel in order to function. It can receive that energy from either carbs (carbohydrates) or fat. Carbs are more easily converted to energy therefore if you consume lots of carbohydrates your body will use it for energy first ... and store the fat. The excess fat you have is not because you ate too many fatty foods but because you ate too many carbs. 

Let me paraphrase two leading authorities. 

Diabetes Today says carbs are not essential for body functions. 

The American Diabetic Association says that low carb diets are valid therapy for type 2 diabetes.  

Low carb diets are known as metabolic diets, ketogenic therapeutic diets and such. But most doctors don’t offer these diets as treatment because these diets are not in their guidelines.  

Chances are you have tried some of these diets on your own and have had poor results. Let me explain. I’ve found 10 different strategies that work when applied at the right time. But you didn’t know when to change strategies and so you wrongly exhausted one strategy when you should have used another. You were poorly informed about eating naturally. 

It’s Not Really Your Fault. 

The Problem Is Huge ... And It's Not Your Fault

Here's What Happened ...

In 1989 the United States Department of Agriculture published the first Food Pyramid. It was promoted as the holy grail of health.   You can eat anything ... in moderation. This is the Standard American Diet (SAD). The American people were supposed to follow it blindly ... and they did.


If you look at internet photos from the 1960s you’ll find that there were very few overweight people. Obesity was practically non-existent. But since the publication of the food pyramid ... Diabetes II, Heart Attacks, Strokes, Kidney Failure, Alzheimer’s, Depression and Obesity have sky rocketed to levels people never imagined in the 1960s. Today we dedicate millions of hours and dollars to solving these health issues and they grow larger every year.  

How did all this illness suddenly come about?  At the base of the food pyramid is grains.  Grains are good food for cattle.  But cattle have 3 stomachs. They can deal with grain. People are not cattle. We only have one stomach. Our bodies don’t handle grain very well. They also handle starchy vegetables and alcohol poorly. The body converts these to sugar and these cause the same problems as sugar. There are lots of scientific data which tell us many of the foods we eat regularly are bad for us. 

Surprisingly ... lard, eggs, meat, and butter etc. have been demonized by companies that wish to market things like vegetable oils, margarine, imitation meat and fake eggs etc.. Doctors jumped on the bandwagon but are now waking up. 

The American Diabetic Association in 2016 acknowledged Metabolic Diets as valid treatments for Type 2 Diabetes and Type 3 Diabetes (Alzheimer’s). However, doctors are very busy and have much to catch up on. It's usual for doctors to be unaware of diet as a valid treatment. Many doctors have little training in nutrition. 

 We often work with your doctors so when it's appropriate, they will reduce or eliminate your medicines. 

Weight Loss and Health Are Accomplished

By Addressing These Things

Eat foods that your body is designed to eat. While we have teeth for both tearing food and grinding food, our digestive system is designed for processing meat. Science tells us that neither carbohydrates not fiber are essential. We don't require these for survival. Thus we are more carnivore than herbivorous. We are meat eaters by design.  

We are designed to move. This doesn't mean you have to run around hectically all day or spend hours in a gym. But it does mean that you will benefit greatly from daily moving about. Just 10 minutes of exercise daily will increase your health tremendously.  

Rest is vital to our health. This allows us to recover from hard work and illness. When you are resting and sleeping your body is repairing and eliminating damaged tissue and growing new tissue.  

When you are ill or have an accident it is important to see a doctor. Other than that, your every day health is your responsibility. 

Independence & Energy

The one thing you can be sure of is that exercise alone is not an effective way of losing weight.  

If walking is all you can do, walking is sufficient to get you started. As you lose weight you can change your exercise program to routines that will give you more energy and strength.

This approach is effective for people who are overweight and want to return to a normal healthier lifestyle.  You'll be able to stay independent and fulfill many dreams you had abandoned.  

The key is to Start Now.  

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Weight, Fitness & Stress

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  • Develop friendships with other members. You can support them and they can support you.  
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